Sunday, June 7, 2009

96 hours post op

It's been 4 days. Wow. The 4 days prior to the surgery went by so slowly and these past 4 days have gone by pretty quickly.
As seems to be the case lately, my eyes are swollen when I wake up in the morning. More on the right eye than the left. Last night, I thought I had pulled a stitch out. We were watching TV and I was running my finger under the stitch line trying to cure an itch and I felt a tiny piece of something come off. I was so scared it was a piece of stitch! I ran into the bathroom, looked at it and it looked slightly different. I then got on the computer and had Nicole compare last nights photos to what my face looked like and after about 5 minutes of scrutiny we discovered that it wasn't a stitch after all, but just a small piece of gunk (dried blood or other something) Whew~
There are other pieces of dried gunk but I left them alone. I'm sure a nice hot shower running over my face would remove them but I cant do that yet...
Over all, I think I'm continuing to improve. No real pain, but still a little uncomfortable at times and the bruising is starting to improve. I touched up my eyebrows last night and then noticed this morning that they arent even. Gees. I'll have to get the lady at the nail shop to do them after I'm healed. I was just trying to clean them up a bit. Guess I should have left them alone for now.
Plan for today is to get my hair washed. Will let you know how that goes in an interim update, unless I chicken out and dont do it!
Here are todays photos. I'm getting better!!

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