Sunday, June 14, 2009

11 days post op

Today I woke up with 2 swollen eyes. I have NO idea why either! I took some advil and that helped. By early this afternoon, the swelling had gone down.
Another thing, my left eye feels like it's not opening all the way and when I look at the photos I do see that the inner corner (upper lid) isn't rising up as far as the other one. I skimmed back through all of the photos and this doesn't seem to be anything new. I guess I just hadn't realized it. The right upper lid has definitely slid back up faster. I'm not sure if the left one will stay this way but I hope it doesn't! I'm still a little bruised but in person, it doesnt look like bruises any more. It looks more like huge dark circles under my eyes. I usually have dark circles anyway because of the olive complexion but these are different. I can tell its remnant or resolving bruises. Anyone else would just think I was tired.
The little raw spot seems to be better today. It's not hurting anymore. I just have a tightness feeling where the corner isn't going up correctly. Either way, I think they are healing up nicely. I'll be glad when the bottom incisions fill in and fade. They are already doing that but I get a little impatient sometimes. I want it to happen faster!
Nothing else exciting to report. Will update on the left inner corner tomorrow.

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