Friday, June 5, 2009

60 hours post op

Samantha left this afternoon and Nicole got here around 7pm. Yes, two very different daughters. LOL. I had about 5 hours by myself and slept most of it away.
But nevermind that. I just took the evening update photos and I think my eyes are finally looking better! I had cleaned up the incision areas a little bit this afternoon so as not to scare the wits out of Nicole and I think it helped. Samantha is right, the bags I used to have under my eyes are gone too! What a bonus--an eye lift! At least I think that's what they call it...
Take look~ By the way, that is a stray hair on my cheek, not a long wayward stitch! I'm definitely excited now to see the final results. Only 5 more days till I get the stitches out.
I doubled up on advil since my slight relapse this morning. I think it helped with the swelling and it definitely helped with the strain feeling. I also think the bruising is starting to go down. yea! The incisions are starting to itch some and that means they are healing. I hope the itching doesn't get too bad because advil wont help that! In fact, I'm not sure what I'll do about itching since I cant scratch them.
So...that's it for tonight. I hope the improvement continues tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, what a difference a day makes huh!!!
    They look MUCH better today! Yeah for you.
