Friday, June 5, 2009

48 hours post op

Today I finally feel a little better! My eyes are still swollen and bruised, vision is still a bit blurry at times but the rest of me seems almost back to normal. yea! I think I'll be able to get some work done today. That's a good thing because it is piling up already. I also have to put the ointment on my stitches. Did I mention earlier that the tiny tube of antibiotic ointment was $133.00? The tube is about half the size of my pinky. I dont have a prescription plan and there is no generic version of this stuff so I had to pay full price. I'll probably have to refill it by early next week too! I guess in the end, it doesnt matter. I have to do what I have to do, so I cant complain!
Something else I noticed last night. When I'm watching TV or on the computer if I keep my eyes half closed I can see okay and it doesnt feel like it's straining my eyes. If I try to keep them open all the way, it starts to hurt. Hmmm.
I also washed my face really good last night. I carefully avoided all of the stitched areas but I did wipe around them and got some of that ick stuff off. I noticed that one stitch came aloose too. Looks like the stitch was cut too short and it just slipped apart. The skin is closed where it was so I'm not worried about it. Also, another stitch on the other side was sticking into my eye. I clipped a tiny piece off of it (shhhh. dont tell Dr. L!) so it wouldnt keep poking me. Feels better now!
I found the two pieces of xanthie that Dr. L was unable to remove. One is a tiny 1mm dot on the top left and the other is about 2-2.5mm on the lower left. I think he had to leave it because there was no more skin left for closure. I'm okay with that because its way less than what was there before. I'm starting to get excited to see how it will all look after the stitches are out and the skin settes back.
And oh... something I havent mentioned yet... I have a vacation planned for early July. My daughters and I are going to Puerto Rico for 5 days. I had told Dr. L about this way back when we started. He said I should be healed by then but that I'll have to use sunblock and wear sunglasses to keep the scars from burning. I didnt have the heart (or guts) to tell him that sunblock makes me burn! No kidding! Every time I've ever used anything over 10-15 spf, where ever I put it, I burn. Go figure... and its not just me. Nicole has the same problem too! I'm a beach bum and I absolutely love the ocean but I'm going to have to be careful with my scars. I dont want anything to mess them up. I'll have to keep a close eye on it--haha. Our trip is in exactly 33 days.
Anyway, as expected, Samantha is snoring away on the couch. I'll have to get her up soon. She looks too comfortable!

That's it for this morning. Here are the current photos. I'm thinking that I look a little better....

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