Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6 days post op

Feeling much better today! My eyes seem to have a bit more endurance today than yesterday but I'm still trying not to overwork them.
Remember that loose stitch I mentioned a few days ago? It fell out this morning along with a second stitch from the other eye. I wasnt pulling on them or anything they just slipped aloose and finally slipped out. I saved both of them in a piece of gauze for Dr. L in case he's one of those doc's that likes to keep track of stitches. The second one that came out was from the upper lid on the left. That one had been poking me so I'm kind of glad it came out. The incisions dont appear to be affected by the missing stitches so I guess its okay.
As expected, the tube of antibiotic ointment is almost empty. I think I have enough to get through today and tomorrow. If Dr. L wants me to continue to use it after the stitches are out, I'll refill it Thursday.
Looking at todays photos, I'm a little disappointed that the bruising looks the same as it has for the past 2 days. I'm not sure what I can do to help that along. The swelling has improved and it looks like my upper lids are falling into place now. As you can see, the upper stitches seem to be more hidden in the creases like the incision/scar is supposed to be when this is all said and done. Thats a good thing I think! I'm starting to see the light at the end of this particular tunnel. Yea~
More tomorrow~

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