Finally, the little raw spot is healed-or at least I think it is. The incisions on my left eye are still a bit tender and the inner corner is still tight. I'm not so sure that will ever change but so much. Kind of hard to explain why on a blog, you'd have to see different expressions on my face to see what I'm talking about. Photos dont show it that well so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it!
Today's photos have sunlight in them again. Scars are still pretty visable but are fading. Yea! Only 2 weeks until I go away. I so hope the scars fade some more by then. Even if they dont, by then I can use a little makeup to cover what ever is left. In fact, I might try some makeup later this week. I want to be sure the raw spot is totally healed first.
More tomorrow~

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