Thursday, June 4, 2009

36 hours post op

I'm a bit early tonight for the 10pm update. Not much has changed since this morning as far as how I feel. Advil really seems to keep the pain at bay and I also think its helping with the swelling. I slept a lot today too.
The surgical coordinator from Dr. L's office called this afternoon to check on me. I told her I was fine, that I felt like I put my face in front of a speeding train but fine none the less! She said to keep icing and taking advil and that it sounded like I was good.
My right eye seems to tear up a little more than the left but it's not bothersome.
What I'd really like to do is stand in the shower and let the water run over my face for like a half hour. It just feels like it needs to be cleaned off! I am not supposed to get the stitches wet at all so I've been just wiping around them. Not very effective so I may have to come up with a new plan. My face feels dirty. About a month ago, I cut my finger and got 6 stitches in it. I got that one wet and didn't have any problems but this is on my face. I'm scared to mess with it. Oh well. I'll work it out.
Samantha will be leaving tomorrow :'(. It's been great having her here. A few hours ago I made her promise that she'll come visit more often. She said she would. :)
Nicole, my other daughter will be here tomorrow evening. While both daughters are quite the same in a lot of ways, they are also quite different. Should be an interesting changing of the guards... haha
Well, that's going to be it for tonight. I'm going to take some advil PM and call it a day. But first, here are tonights photos. I think its looking better, maybe....

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