Wednesday, June 3, 2009

12 hours post op

Well, I'm back!
It is now about 12 hours after the surgery. I'm feeling a little sluggish but okay enough to be on the computer. Yea!
So, let me back track a bit. I arrived at the surgery center just before 8am. They took me in around 9am. I didn't have to change my clothes but they put a gown over my tee shirt and sweats, a hair cover on my head and booties on my feet. They sat me in a big chair thing and took my vitals. BP was 139/85. I thought that was great considering my nervousness. The nurse started an IV in my right elbow. That went okay. Then the anesthesiologist came over, talked to me for a few minutes and gave me something to relax me. It took about a minute but then I began to feel it take effect. Nice stuff! After a few more minutes of talking, she gave me that white stuff that puts you to sleep. She told me I would be asleep for a while so I wouldn't feel the needles or anything and then after I would be in a twilight kind of sleep. She was right. The white stuff knocked me out. I vaguely remember the doctor coming over to draw on my Xanthies. I also kind of remember them positioning me for the procedure but that's about it until it was almost over. I remember kind of waking up and hearing voices. I couldn't see anything but later found out that there were eye covers over my eyeballs. I think I had some conversation with the doctor about my work and I remember him telling me to stop frowning. Hmmm. I didn't know I was! I also think heard them say something about sending the right upper xanthie for the biopsy. Or at least that's what I think I heard. I'll have to ask him.
Once they were done, they took the eye covers off, (I could see again) and they rolled me back into the other room. I sat there for a few minutes, had a cup of coffee and thought I felt great. They offered me some toast, but I wasn't hungry. A few minutes later, I got up to go to the bathroom; I realized I was still a bit woozy but didn't have any problem. I went back to the waiting room where Samantha was waiting and got the post op instruction sheet. I remember Samantha signing it and then the next thing I remember was being in the car. First stop Starbucks!! It was around 12 noon.
When I got home, I was still kind of out of it and not really in any pain. That didn't last very long. Local anesthetic only lasts about 2 hours at best. I could feel the order of how Dr. L did the excisions by the way the pain arrived. Right lower first, right upper second, left upper third and left lower last. I'm going to have to ask him if that was correct....
Anyway. I tried really hard to keep the bandages on but the tape was pulling in a really bad way so by around 2pm, I decided to take them off and re-do it. While the bandages were off, we got a few photos.

Looks lovely huh?
I spent the rest of the afternoon propped up on 4 pillows with my multiple cold packs and the bottle of Advil. I cant say the pain was excruciating but it was quite uncomfortable. Advil did help it but that wears off pretty fast too. I could also feel the swelling happening. My vision was a bit blurry but clear enough that I could move around from one room to the other. They had positioned the original bandages so that I had a little window at the bottom. I could see the floor and that's about it. My re-do version was just about the same.
We ordered pizza for dinner and then I fell asleep until a short while ago. I noticed blood tinges on the inner corners of the bandages so I decided to change them again. Naturally, we took a few more photos. Notice the increased swelling and bruising.

All in all, it wasn't too bad of a day. Samantha is sound asleep and isnt really interested in conversation at the moment. Too bad... I'm wide awake!!!

More tomorrow~

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