Thursday, June 11, 2009

8 days post op #2

Yea! The stitches are out!! Dr. L said they looked good and put a few steri-strips on to make sure the incisions stay closed. He told me that my upper lids were a challange for him, but that he knew they would be, going in. He said that because the lesions were large and also kind of spread out that he wasnt able to get all of it but that once I heal up and some skin comes back, we can talk about revision/removal of what ever remains. He felt that the little pieces left on the top would likely slide back into the crease and not be too noticible. Fine with me. What's left is a huge improvement over what was there before!
Then he dropped a bomb on me... he's leaving the group practice at the end of this month. Yikes! He told me this as he was taking out the stitches. He said that as his patient I should have been notified but I assured him that I wasnt. However, having worked with doctors and group practices for many years, I kind of understood. I dont know what happened between the docs in the group, and that really doesnt matter to me.
Back to the eyes...
He asked me the one question I had been avoiding with him--did I smoke. I had to answer yes because I do--plus the sweatshirt I had on smelled a little of smoke (ugh). Smoking slows down the healing process. I already knew that but I couldnt quit. He didnt say I wasnt healing properly or anything but he reviewed why I should quit and then let it go. Hmmm. I had been taking extra vitamin C hoping that would counteract any problems. I guess I'll never really know if it helped or not since he really didnt say one way or the other.
He said that I should avoid sunlight for another few weeks, but that I should be okay in Puerto Rico. He also said that normally, he schedules a post op visit for 2 months out but since he's leaving the group, he would leave it up to me if I wanted to continue with that practice or find him where ever he is at that time. In my mind, I decided that I will find him if he is still in the area. He also told me that his cell phone number is on the bottom of my surgery paperwork and that if I ever needed to use it that it would be okay.
So... the major part of this is over. All that's left now is to continue healing. He said the steri-strips will probably fall off by tomorrow so when they do, I'll post photos again. In the mean time, here are photos with the steri-strips. Looks different without the stitches huh?? ;)
P.S. I peaked under the steri-strips. They're already coming off on the tops because my eyelid isnt flat and I cant not blink! They look like little scars... LOL. Photos of that tomorrow~

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