Thursday, June 4, 2009

24 hours post-op

Well... I got through the night. I kept waking up because I was afraid of mushing my eyes into the pillow. I think I did okay though.
I took the bandages off this morning. Wow... talk about swollen and bruised! I cant say its painful but it is a little uncomfortable. My vision is a bit blurry but that clears up when I blink a few times. I'm able to focus for a few minutes and then it gets blurry again.
Samantha is sound asleep on the couch so I took my own photos for this morning's update. She sure does sleep alot! :)
Today I get to leave the bandages off. I'm still going to use the ice packs and will make sure to put the ointment on the incisions through out the day. Not too much else to update at the moment. I look a mess....

Will update again later tonight or sooner if something changes.

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