Saturday, June 13, 2009

10 days post op

I did a lot yesterday and I seem to be paying for it a little today. First, I did color my hair. No problems there. The best part of that was standing in the shower letting water run over my face---for at least 10 minutes! It felt great! After I got out, I checked the incisions to make sure they were okay and 3 were. The fourth, which is actually the upper left looked a bit strange. Kind of how a scab looks after you've been swimming or something. I put the ointment on and just let it be. Then... I decided that I was ready to go out. I've been craving Red Lobster for about 2 weeks so thats where I went. Everything went okay there too. Got a few funny looks and Frank got a few funny looks too. Let me explain. Right now, I look like I have 2 resolving black eyes. When you get close, you can see the incisions but walking through a restaurant, it just looks like I've been punched a few times. On the way out, I walked with my head down. It was worth it though because I love this particular Red Lobster location. Food is great!
After that, I came home and watched a little TV and fell asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up with a jolt because I realized in my sleep that I scratched my left eye lid and it hurt! Just great, I thought. I flew into the bathroom to see if I did any damage. It looks like what ever was there when I got out of the shower is now gone. I dont know if it was a scab or a piece of skin or what but its gone and what's left is a small open area of the incision. I put more ointment on it and went back to bed. I guess having 2 drinks with dinner distracted me in my sleep. Up until now, I have been totally aware of my eyes when I fall asleep. Dr. L had told me to use the eye shields from day 1 but I never did. Hmmm. Maybe I should have last night! So, this little spot hurts today. Kind of like a raw spot. It doesnt look infected or anything and I'm sure it will close up eventually. I'll definitely be more aware of it in my sleep tonight! (its a mom thing, we can will ourselves to sleep light when we need to)
Today, Nicole is celebrating her birthday. Its actually tomorrow but she and Samantha put together a barbeque for today so I'll be there. Too bad its not sunny out. If it was, I'd probably sit there with sun glasses on to hide the bruises. Her friends dont know me that well and I'm sure they know nothing about my xanthies and my surgery. They'll probably think I got punched too! I'll be glad when the bruising is gone. For the most part, if I look past the bruising, I dont look all that bad! I can definitely see that my left upper eye was difficult for Dr. L just by how the scar is and what's left. Then again, I'm 10 days post op. It will likely look much better by next week. :)
Here are today's photos. You can see the little open spot. Still improving though.
I'll update again tomorrow because of that spot.

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