Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2 weeks post op

It's hard to believe that it was 2 weeks ago today that I had the surgery. The time has flown by! For the most part, the bruising and swelling issues are almost gone. The little raw spot is still giving me a little grief though. I've been keeping it dry but today I got some water on it and it softened up again. Absentmindedly, I rubbed it and some dried ick stuff rubbed off. Now it's semi-raw again but smaller. I also noticed some redness around it--but not in it. I'm not 100% certain or convinced that it's infected though. The corner of the other eye is red also and that incision is completely closed. Everything else is going quite well. The scars are still pretty visible but just as the bruising has faded, the scars should too. It all just takes time. I've got 3 weeks until my vacation for them to fade! (Just kidding) I'm happy with the results and I'm sure they'll look fine for my trip. There are still 3 little xanthie spots but they are nothing compared to what was there.
I was thinking about make up this morning. Everything I read (about blepharoplasty not xanthie removal specifically)says you can start wearing make up at around the 2 week mark. I have not even considered that yet and I don't plan on it until the raw spot heals completely. I'm sure those photos will be interesting..!
In the mean time, here are today's photos. Looks good!

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