Saturday, June 6, 2009

72 hours post op

It's now 3 days after the surgery. I'm definitely seeing and feeling an improvement. I'm still swollen and bruised some but it's clearly better. I also slept late this morning and have not taken any advil since around mid-night and because of that, I'm a little more swollen than I was last night. When I look down, like at the keyboard, I can see the stitches on the lower lids. I couldn't do that before because of swelling so that's new--and good!
Nicole is still asleep. I'm starting to think both of my daughters have been bitten by tse-tse flies. They sleep SO much! At least the cat is up and sitting in here with me. She probably only wanted to be fed though. :)
Nothing else exciting to report. I'm going to take some advil and do my modified face wash. That always makes me feel good. I'm also going to have to wash my hair today or tomorrow. Washing from the neck down in the shower is easy especially with a hand held showerhead but my hair is starting to feel icky. It hasnt been washed since Tuesday, the night before the surgery. Nicole and I think we can do it with me leaning back over the edge of the bathtub. She also suggested I put a hand towel or wash cloth over my eyes. I have visions of the threads getting caught in the stitches so I'm a bit leary of the whole idea. I bet by tomorrow I'll be more willing. I normally wash my hair every 2-3 days. Its due....
Will let you know how that goes when ever I get up the courage to do it but it will definitely be by tomorrow.
Here are this morning's photos. Notice the slight increase in swelling on the upper lids. I'm sure this is because it's been 10 hours with no advil. Will have to compare with tonight's later.

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