Tomorrow will be 12 week post surgery. Has it really been that long? Wow.
I would definitely say that at this point, my eyes are healed. All of that tightness and soreness, the lumps etc---all gone. For the most part, my eyes feel normal now. Don't get me wrong, they aren't baby smooth but they are far better than they were 2 months ago. One of the best things is that I don't always have to "cover" my eyes with makeup every time I leave the house. I can still see scars but I'll take the scars over the xanthies any day!
As you already know, there were a few pieces left that Dr. L couldn't remove because there wasn't enough skin. I'm thinking in a years time, I'll have enough skin to do a revision to get rid of those last few spots. They are small, and not nearly as noticeable but I know they are still there so if I can get my insurance to pay again, I'll have that fixed.
Speaking of insurance, let me tell you, I'm actually embarrassed at how little they paid Dr. L. Here is a breakdown of it all:
Date/Doc-------------------------------Charge----Ins paid
05.05 Initial visit Dr. L.-------------140.00-----60.00
05.05 photos Dr. L--------------------80.00-----16.68
05.23 pre op/EKG Dr. C-------------162.00-----74.21
06.01 pre op Dr. L--------------------130.00-----44.10
06.03 Anesthesia Dr. O-------------1300.00---1300.00 *
06.03 Surgery Dr. L-----------------7200.00----454.09
06.03 Pathology-----------------------105.00---capitated **
06.03 Surgery Center----------------6600.00----461.88 ***
Total out of my pocket---------------------------- 250.00
Total prescriptions--------------------------------266.00+
* The anesthesia doc was originally paid 947.70 from my insurance. She refused that and sent it back to be reprocessed to pay in full. They actually paid her the full amount...
** The lab is capitated which means that my insurance pays them a certain flat rate amount of money every month regardless of how many claims they have.
*** My deductible of 250.00 was applied to this charge. Total that the surgery center was paid 711.88.
+ I do not have a prescription plan, and tobradex ointment does not have a generic version available yet.
I have to wonder, if my insurance didn't approve this surgery, would I have had to pay 15,717.00??? As I said, I feel bad that Dr. L got paid so little for the work he did. He definitely deserved more. He participates with my insurance so he had to accept what they paid. Dr. O, the anesthesiologist does not participate with them therefore, she didn't have to accept it. She's making a fortune... I cant totally complain about that though since I did wake up afterwards!!!
Here are today's photos. Notice the significant improvement! I may update again in another month or so. I still owe you guys one photo with make up. Will do that too one day too~
Take care...

Edit to add:
I noticed after I posted this update that at least 2 people had found my blog and commented.
I am glad that this is finally showing up in searches and that someone may be helped by the information I have written. After so much of my own searching and finding nothing, I totally understand the frustration!
To anyone reading this, if you have questions about the procedure I had that I didnt answer through the blog, feel free to leave comments. I will check from time to time and answer anything I'm able to.
Thanks for reading!