Thursday, December 31, 2009

S2 8 days post op

There isn't too much to update with today. The left side doesn't seem swollen but is still bruised. The right side is still swollen, but no worse than it had been; in fact, it may be just a tiny bit better. The bruising on the right looks better to me in the mirror too. I still have the newest raw spot on the left but it's not as "open" as the one I had with the last surgery. Last but not least, the bottom of the right incision is slowly healing. It gets smaller every day.
Overall, I think I'm coming along pretty well. There is no more pain (yea!) and the rest of me is back to normal. All that's left now is for the incisions to completely turn into scars and for the scars to fade. It would be nice if that would happen by tomorrow, but let's be realistic. It's going to take another week or more for the incisions not to look like incisions!

Today's photo doesn't look any different to me than yesterday's. maybe tomorrow's will show better improvement.
Happy New Year!!!

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