Friday, December 25, 2009

S2 48 hours post op

Merry Christmas!!

Today, I'm still swollen, but not as much as yesterday. More gunk came off of the incisions too so they look better. Much better than the 48 hour point of the June surgery. I'm going to try and wash closer to the incisions today and get more of the gunk off. On the left incision, at the end, there is a blue stitch that is sticking up. I can see it out of the corner of my eye and it is bothering me SO much! Looking closely at it, I don't think I can clip it because it looks like its an extension of what is inside. It's really just a loop of blue stitch just hanging there but I don't know what would happen if I cut it so it's probably best to leave it alone. It sure is annoying though!
I would also really like to wash my hair but I cant get my face totally wet yet. Last time, Nicole helped me lean back and use the hand held shower head. I kind of wish she or Samantha were here to help me do that again.
Nothing else really to report, I feel okay at the moment. I did yesterday morning too but by 1:00pm, I was knocked out. We'll see how I do today. I'm going over to my moms in a little bit for Christmas. I need to get off the computer and get ready!
Have a wonderful holiday and I'll be back later for tonight's update.

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