Saturday, December 26, 2009

S2 72 hours post op

Did you notice that there is no 60 hour update?? :) I was too tired last night to post and just figured I'd update everything this morning.
As you know, yesterday was Christmas and I couldn't just stay home. On the way to my mom's house, we stopped at dunkin donuts. It was cloudy and gray out but I had on a pair of sunglasses to cover my incisions. I got quite a few strange looks. I'm not sure if it was because I had sunglasses on in the dreary weather or if it was because people could see the incisions. I realized later yesterday that my sunglasses have graduated tint...meaning they are light at the bottom! Oh well. I guess I didn't cover up too much after all!
At my mom's house, I moved around more than I had been, and was talking and laughing a lot. That had an effect on my incisions. The right one started to bleed a little from the lower edge. Not heavy bleeding but a spotting kind of thing and it hurt. I didn't take my ointment with me so after wiping the blood a few times, I noticed it was getting pretty dry. My mom had some bacitracin so I put a dab of that on it to try and keep it from splitting any more. I'm not so sure it helped. It spotted on and off again a few more times before we ended up coming home. When I got here, I cleaned off the area around the incision and used the erythromycin and also the tobradex from the last surgery. There seemed to be a tiny piece of something that was sticking out a little bit. It wasn't a stitch but may have been a piece of skin or scab or something. I pushed it back in and mushed more ointment into it. I took my advils and darvocet and layed down. I fell asleep for a few hours and when I woke up, the incisions were dry again so I put more ointment on them. This morning, they both look normal again, what ever normal is for incisions. The little piece of what ever it was slid back and hopefully it will stay there. The swelling isn't as bad today but the bruising has really come up. I expected that. Interestingly, on the right incision, where Dr. T had to leave xanthie, the bruising is around the xanthie and not in it. It looks kind of weird. It looks like he got most of the reborn xanthie from the left side but there is still a piece on the right that he didn't remove. It's hard to tell exactly though because of the bruising. I'm not sure if that piece he left will be noticeable or not. Once the bruising goes down, I'll know more. I'm hoping that even though there is some reborn xanthie on the right that he was able to remove the xanthie underneath so it wont get any bigger. I'll have to ask him when I go for my post op visit on Wednesday.
On another note, my hair needs washing. I may try to do it in the kitchen sink. I don't want to put any more stress on the right incision because today it seems closed and neat as opposed to yesterday so I may try to hold off another day. Doing it in the sink would require me to lean over forward, and I think that may strain my face a bit. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll try it just to see if it can be done. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm going to take some advil and relax on the couch. Here is this morning's photo. I'm sorry I didn't take one last night. I would have liked to have documented the difference. It does look better today than it did last night. Also, this photo is before I put more ointment on, again to reduce the glare.
See ya later~

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