Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2nd beginning update #4

Today I had my pre-op physical with my PCP. Everything looks good so I guess I'm ready. They are supposed to fax the medical forms and EKG to the surgi-center but I faxed a set myself along with the patient history forms when I got home just to make sure. I'll still take a copy with me.
I also went to CVS and got the prescriptions filled. Total cost $35.00! Big difference from before. The tube of ointment is still little but for $16.00 I cant complain; its way better than the $133.00 for the tobradex!

On another note, yesterday I found out that my daughter may not be able to get off from work to go with me this time because it's right before the holiday. I'm kind of bummed over that but I understand. Frank has agreed to go if she cant. I'm not sure he would stay with me afterwards though. I'll find out more on that in the next few days. Maybe I could convince Nicole to come over for a day or so. I guess I just dont want to be alone, which is strange for me. I'm a real loner type---most of the time.
I'll be back to post again next Tuesday, the night before surgery #2.

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