Wednesday, December 30, 2009

S2 1 week post op #2

I'm back from my post op appointment. Dr. T says everything looks good. Yea!!
He poked around a bit and took the stitches out, what few there were. I'm just glad they're gone. By the way, in taking the the one on the left out, a small area opened up. It totally reminds me of that raw spot I had last time on the right upper lid. If I remember right, it took about a week for it to heal that time. I hope this one heals fast. It seems to be around the same size too.
I asked him some of the questions I had, and he basically told me what I already know. Since there was no OP report from Dr. L, it was kind of hard for him to compare what he did to what Dr. L did. We talked about revising the upper left lid and he explained that due to the lack of excess skin, it may be fixable with a graft. He also said that the tiny piece in the lower left lid corner (the same one that Dr. L left) couldn't be easily removed because of the tear duct. His primary concern is functionality of the lids and I understand that. You cant take away so much tissue/skin and still have your eye lids work right. He mentioned possibly grafting that one too but seemed a bit more hesitant. So, I guess that little corner piece is there to stay, for now. We'll revisit the whole thing 11 weeks from now when I go back. I just hope these stupid things don't reincarnate again. I asked him about that too. He said if they are excised properly, they shouldn't come back. Well, that comment gave me something to chew on for the entire drive home. I've already experienced one rebirth, I don't want to go through another.
I put some ointment on the new raw spot, and across the rest of the incisions. I guess I can start to call them scars in another few days. Except for the raw spot and the bottom of the right incision, everything else is closed. No steri-strips this time either. I'll still continue to update once a day until everything is healed. I hope it's soon!
Here's another photo for this afternoon. The new raw spot doesn't look raw in the photo but trust me, its just like the one I had before. I had SO hoped to be able to get in the shower and let the water run on my face but I think I'll hold off for another day or so.
See ya tomorrow~

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