Wednesday, December 23, 2009

S2 12 hours post op

I slept a lot this afternoon, much more than I had expected to. I've been taking the pink tic-tacs (darvocet) and advil. The combination of the two seems to help better than either of them alone. I've also been using the ice packs, 15 minutes every hour. I am still in pain but I think its under control. I'm definitely more swollen than earlier and I can see the bruising coming up. You cant really see the bruising that well in tonight's photo, but in the full face shot and in real life, it's there. There is also a lot of oozing and some bleeding. They didnt put bandages on this time, so I'm seeing this part of the process for the first time. I have to wait for the oozing and stuff to stop and the skin to start closing before I can clean it up so that's still a few days away.
One thing I noticed in just these 12 hours is that my left eye which wouldn't close all the way earlier is now closing better. Thats good. I was a little worried that it could be a problem.
So, I'm going to take my pills and go back to bed. I'll update again tomorrow morning.

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