Tuesday, December 29, 2009

S2 6 days post op

Today I woke up a bit puffy around my eyes. If I remember right, this happened a few times with the last surgery too. I never did decide if it was related to the surgery or if this was a normal thing that I just hadn't noticed. I guess it doesn't matter! I cant say I'm any more swollen, just a little puffy. I also noticed today that the bruising on the right incision is better. It's that yellowish color that bruises turn when they are fading. There is still an area at the end of the right incision that doesn't look the same as the rest of that incision. I'm not sure if there are external stitches there but it does look like there may be. The left eye looks more bruised today but when I compare the photos, it doesn't quite look that way. It's like the yellow on that one has faded some showing the redder bruise more. Weird. Either way, they are healing and it appears they are healing faster than last time.
On another note, I washed my hair yesterday. Woo hoo! I did it in the kitchen sink! It turned out to be a little easier than I had expected. I didn't style it or anything, I just let it air dry. At least it's clean!
Tomorrow I have my post op appointment with Dr. T. I hope he thinks I'm coming along as well as I do!
Here's this morning's photo. Again, mostly flash, and it was taken before I put the ointment on. I wish I was a better photographer. I see detail in the mirror that the camera just doesn't pick up or doesn't focus on or shines it out. I don't know how to fix that though. I still think it's healing well.
See ya tomorrow~

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