Friday, January 1, 2010

S2 9 days post op

Happy New Year!

I've been lazy all day and I don't even know why. I did absolutely nothing last night. No party, no celebration, no company, no nothing but I still feel sleepy today! Maybe it's the continued cloudy weather. I need some sun!!!
There isn't a whole lot of change since yesterday. The right incision seems a little less puffy but it's still puffier than the left. That area at the end is still there and appears to be continuing to heal. Any tips for making it happen faster?? LOL. The bruising on the right is still yellowish but is minimal. It looks like I haven't slept for a few days--but just on that side. On the left, I still have the crescent shaped bruise that looks like I have a black eye. It's fading though. I also still have the raw spot near the top of that incision. You can see it pretty clearly in today's photo. It's dry, no redness and like the raw spot from the last surgery, it's healing slowly from underneath. I do think it's getting smaller too. Overall, the incisions are still kind of indented but I know from the previous surgery, they will fill in with time. I keep comparing these photos to the photos from June. I really do think the incisions are healing faster (except for the tip of the right one) and at this pace, I should be good for my vacation. 12 days and counting!!!
Oh.. something I haven't mentioned in a while. Remember my plan to lose weight? Well, as of today, I have lost 13 pounds! Yea me! Of course, I went up and down a little over the past few weeks, but 13 pounds off is 13 pounds off. I'd really like to lose 7 more before I go away. I'm not so sure that will happen but I'm going to keep trying. If I do get that 7 pounds off, I'll be the weight I was 2 years ago when I think I looked okay. Still overweight, but not bad. At least more of my clothes will fit me!
Enough of that. Here is today's photo. I took it earlier this morning to keep with the 24 hour increments. Better and better every day, right?
See ya tomorrow~

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