Friday, January 8, 2010

S2 16 days post op

My mood is a little bit better today, yea!
My eyes are about the same. The stitch that was hanging out yesterday has retracted back in a little bit. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I guess there isn't much I can do about it anyway. There's still some remnant bruising around both incisions but now it just looks like I'm tired. The raw spot on the left continues to get smaller but still exists, for now.
I noticed something a little different over the past couple of days. I feel these sensations in the areas of the incisions. It's not pain, and it only lasts for a few seconds. I feel it in different spots, and I'm assuming it has something to do with the dissolvable stitches. The best way I can describe it is to call them little pings so that's what they'll be. I'm trying to remember the last surgery, if I felt this kind of thing and I don't think it was quite the same. I remember feeling something that I described as the tissues knitting together but the feeling isn't the same. I have no idea what it is really!
Here are today's photos. They look better in the photos than in person...


  1. Hi Barbara, I loved your account of your xanthelasma removal but it scared me too, because I am lined up for the same procedure next Tuesday (though only one upper eyelid). Like you I couldn't find anything on the web about the surgery. I was going to go to work the following day but now wondering whether that might be optimistic. Anyway, the pictures show you have made an amazing recovery! Best wishes, William, London, England

  2. Thank you William! I hope your surgery went well and I would love an update on your progress!

  3. It went very well - the whole thing took about 10 minutes (one eyelid). The worst part was the eyelid injection but that was soon over. The surgeon didn't use stitches but cauterised (UK spelling!) it somehow. I'll ask her exactly what she did in my follow up visit in June. Two months on and I just have a little redness that seems to come and go day by day, and a very slight roundish scar. I'm very pleased with how it went. I was also very pleased to come across your blog, and it's good to see you doing so well. My procedure was free on our National Health Service. I was quite surprised at that, because from what I could gather from googling it seemed that it was regarded as cosmetic surgery rather than essential, so I had been quite prepared to pay for it (I don't have medical insurance). All the best, William
