Thursday, January 21, 2010

S2 4 weeks -1 day post op

I'm back! It rained a lot but we still had a good time. I think my scars did well in what little sun we had. No sunburn at all--anywhere! I still used the sunblock stick on the scars to be sure.
The biggest update for today is that I'm spitting more stitches. At least 2 that I can see and I think 2 more that haven't broken through the skin yet but are trying. I have no idea what to do about these. I have a slightly odd sensation where the stitches are peeking through but I wouldn't call it pain. There is no redness at all so I'm sure they aren't infected or anything but you can see them. In person, they just look like little black or blue spots. The camera picks it up better and in the close up shots you can see they are actually stitches. Lovely right..? I'm thinking that I'll wait until next week and if they are still there, I'll make another appointment with Dr. T to have these newest pieces removed.
I still have the darkish areas around the scars and I'm thinking it's more stitches underneath. I have no other explanation for it since this didn't happen with the last surgery. I don't know how long these bluish/purple stitches take to dissolve but they're very clearly still there! I'm also starting to wonder if all of them are going to try to rise out of my skin. Weird and a little annoying too!
Everything else is good.
Lots of sun in the full eye shot, close-ups are all flash. It was really hard to get these today. I guess I'm a little out of practice! Anyway, I'll update again in a few days~

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