Monday, January 4, 2010

S2 12 days post op

Happy Monday...
First thing I did was call Dr. T's office. He's in a different office today, and they had a 2:30 appointment but I've never been to that office and have no clue even where it is so I opted for 11:30am tomorrow in the regular office. I've waited this long, what's one more day?
Other than that... The right side doesn't look swollen today. Still bruised a little and it still has the stitch hanging out of it but I cant say it looks bad. The left side still has the crescent bruise, but it continues to look better every day. In the past few days, I've noticed a small bump forming at the base of that incision. It feels a little hard too with a blue tinge under it. I'm starting to wonder just how many of these blue stitches are inside and how many of them are going to try to rise up and out of my skin! The little raw spot at the top is healing. It's dry and clear so I'm sure in time, it will go away. It definitely doesn't bother me like the raw spot from the previous surgery so I'm happy about that.
As for today's photo, I sat here and shot no less than 35 photos---all blurry! Too much coffee on a Monday morning perhaps?? Probably. I finally got a decent one and it's below. Nothing looks really different to me. I didn't take the close up's today since it took way too much time to get a regular photo. Sorry!
Tomorrow, I wont update until after I see Dr. T. Hopefully those little black looking spots will be gone!

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