Sunday, January 3, 2010

S2 3 pm update

So you thought I was going to leave well enough alone right..?
Sorry, it's just not my style... LOL. I got the bright idea of using my gemstone imaging gadget to take a look at my unhealed areas. The open area at the bottom of the right incision is most definitely a stitch. Okay, so we already knew that. But there is another smaller unhealed area further up that same incision and guess what? There is stitch there too! I printed out the images to show Dr. T when I see him. It's very easy to see how he missed these. They're super tiny and are not visible to my naked eye. In fact, it's entirely possible that he intended for these to stay inside with the skin closing over them. I'm not sure that makes any logical sense though because they are blue and would show through my skin...
Anyway, here are 2 magnified images. Sorry about the quality and I'm not totally sure of the mag factor. I want to say it's 200x, but that could be a little off. The gadget was designed to look at gemstones, not incisions with stitches! You can see now why these areas wont close properly. I'm very curious as to how he's going to get these out.

1 comment:

  1. What happened did he take them out? I have the same thing
