No, I didn't fall off the planet. I'm still here. :) I just kind of relaxed--away from the computer--for most of the weekend.
I had my post op with Dr. T today. He seemed happy with my progress. I asked him about the deep bruise on the right lower and he said that sometimes when injecting the Novocaine, they hit a blood vessel causing bruising. He said that when they hit a vessel during surgery, they can clamp it or put pressure on it but when its the needle that hits it, there isn't much they can do. We joked about it for a minute and he assured me that he didn't jab me in my sleep! I also asked him about the twitch. He gave it some fancy medical term that had about 30 letters in it and says it can be caused by stress or caffeine or one other thing that I dont remember at the moment but that it usually resolves itself. He didn't even notice the dot and didn't connect it to the twitch so I guess I was wrong on that. I have been under considerable stress lately and I do drink gallons (just kidding) of coffee so he could be right. We'll see if it resolves.
We talked about the graft sliding loose and the moat. He gave me a funny look and laughed about me calling it a moat, but it did look like one until a day or so ago. He didn't seem surprised that it had opened and said it looked fine.
He thinks that last piece of xanthie above that area may be able to be removed right in his office. Hmmm. I'm not so sure about that! I'm kind of a chicken and I dont know how I'd feel being wide awake. It does seem a bit extreme to put me to sleep for just that piece though. We're going to evaluate it and the right lower in 10 weeks when I go back. He also noted that my left lower was "puffy". Little does he know that I squeezed that crap out of that dot just a few short days ago. I think that's why its puffy but I didn't tell him. Besides I could be wrong--yet again! He seemed to think it was possibly some fatty tissue that could be removed. He did say that it would be totally cosmetic for that and I'm sure my insurance isn't going to be interested in paying to fix that. We'll see how that progresses and if it is in fact the dot or not.
So that was my visit. Nice and neat. As for the eyes, well, the moat is closing in and is healing up. I've been letting it dry out a little every day and that seems to help it along faster than the raw spots last year. The dot area still feels like something is in it and its not really healing so yeah, I think there's something in it, but it will just have to work its own way out. Everything else looks just fine.
I may not be on here too much now until my next appointment. This surgery was so much simpler than the other two. Naturally, if something changes I'll be back before then. 10 weeks is a long time so I may come on just to say hi sooner~
Here are today's photos. Notice the moat is drying up!! yea! One thing I notice though is that the flash catches what's left of the xanthies and in real life, you dont see them quite as much. I'm still a lousy photographer!!!
Can you believe in 2 days it will be the 1 year anniversary of the first surgery???
Take care!