Wednesday, July 15, 2009

6 weeks post op

I have to say the last week went by really quickly!
My scars did very well in the tropical sun. I got very tanned but I put sunblock with 50 spf (Banana Boat Sport stick) under my eyes and on my upper lids. Surprisingly, my face is the only part of me that didn't burn! Every other piece of exposed skin burned--including my scalp! Anyway, the slight issues I was having are continuing to get better. The tightness is minimal at best and I almost dont feel it at all. The soreness is still there a little bit on the left upper lid but the other lids are better.
Putting makeup on was an interesting experience. As I may have written before, my eyelids on top are now shaped slightly different. I no longer have that "ridge" on the uppers to guide me in applying eyeliner but I still managed to get it on and makeup looks pretty good! Will get a shot of that next week.
In the mean time, here are my newly tanned eyes. Tans hide a lot!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 weeks post op

Today marks 5 weeks! It's also the day before I leave on my tropical vacation. Yea! Since last week, there has been some improvement with the corners and also with the soreness. They still aren't totally 100% healed and I can tell but they are better than they were this time last week. The scars continue to fade slowly but they are fading. I think once I get a little sun they wont be as noticeable. I'll post photos when I get back so we can compare.
In the mean time, here are today's photos. I have to go pack for trip. See ya next week!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4 weeks and 1 day post op

Can you believe its been 4 weeks? A whole month since the surgery. Wow.
I cant really say much has changed. I do believe the corners are loosening up a tiny bit. They still feel tight at times but not like it was. I still have the soreness in some spots, I notice that mostly when I rub my eyes. The right upper and the left lower don't feel that sore but the left upper and right lower still do. The lumpiness seems to have improved a bit too.
Last Friday, I tried makeup for the first time. That was interesting. My eyelids don't look like they've been reshaped but guess what... they have been. Before the surgery, I would make a fairly thick black line on top in an effort to hide xanthie. I also used darker eyeshadow colors over the xanthies to try to mask them. No need to do that any more. ;) It took some minor adjustments but I finally got the liner on so that it looked normal. The eyeshadow was a different story. The scars on top are indented, therefore they clearly showed with shadow color on them. I didn't know what else to do with that so I just left it. I may need to change eyeshadow colors. What I have used (for the past 25 years) may no longer work right. I'll experiment with new colors over the next few day and figure out what works better. It may be something as simple as using non frosted instead of my trusted frosted colors. Hmmm. We'll see. No photos of that yet. Still a bit too messy!
Here are the 4 week photos. Well, 4 weeks and 1 day~
Maybe one day I'll post a full face shot!!!
See ya in a few days~