Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day one of many~

Since my mother has undergone the procedure, I, Samantha have taken on the task of blogging the next few days until she will be able to see the computer screen. We woke up around 6:15 and got dressed and waited to get ready to leave. I could tell that my mom was getting more and more anxious about the whole thing, more so about the recovery than anything. I tried to get her to take a sip of my coffee, but she claimed it was too hot. Cranky already. 7:10 rolls around and we are on our way. Trying to take the edge off we cracked jokes, but that didn't seem to work too well. We got inside, signed in and waited. As more and more people strolled in we continued to wait until they called her name. This was at 8:56am. They lead her to the back and I said see ya later and bye to the xanthies. Then it became the waiting game. I watched the news, Regis and Kelly (Will Ferrell was hosting, quite hilarious), then Rachel Ray came on. By this time it was 10 o'clock. The doc told her it was going to be about an hour or so depending on what he had to do and how to reconstruct her eyelids. Finally i started to doze off as the number of people in the waiting room with me started to go down. My phone rang, what seemed like every 10 minutes from people asking for an update and to see how she was but no word yet. Finally at 10:54 after i woke up from my comatose nap, i asked the receptionist if she knew anything. Naturally no. About 7 minutes later the nurse came out and said she was done and that everything looked good. (woop woop). I heard her go into the bathroom, but i couldn't see her quite yet. She came out and her eyes had a small strip of bandage going across the top and i could see the stitches on the bottom. It looked like her eyes were glossy, like how a newborns eyes look when they put the gel stuff in their eyes. The first thing i noticed was that the bags under her eyes were gone. No swelling or bleeding yet, but the nurse told us that it would ooze, bleed and swell up really soon. She said that it was important to put the ointment on the bottom of her eyes, then tomorrow to take the bandage off and put some on the top and a little actually in her eye (hmm). She also said that by dinnertime the pain would be in full force and to make sure ice is kept on it 15 on 15 off for the next couple days to keep the swelling down as much as possible and to reduce any bruising.

So we finally get up to leave and my mom said she could see a little bit, a small slither of space when she opened her eyes all she could. Her forehead and right under her eyes was still numb and couldn't feel anything. We made it to the car, and she wanted Starbucks, lovely. She got a white mocha frapp and i got ice coffee with vanilla, anyway. We get that and head back to the house. She was not lying when she said that she is cranky and irritable and whatever else she said about how much of a cranky patient she is...its true. But nevertheless we made it into the house and tried to get situated. The most important thing to me was to make sure that she was comfortable. I didn't really know what to do or where to start. We didn't know anyone and didn't find any information about the recovery, so we really didn't know what to expect. Doc told her to keep her head elevated, so she ended up laying on the bed with her head propped up by the pillows. She was already saying that she was started to feel the pain and wanted to see what they looked like. She was able to get here eyes open enough to see in the mirror, but as the swelling continued to get bigger her eyes were forced shut. She popped 3 advil and now she seems pretty content.

We got about every single type of ice pack, cold eye compress under the sun and now we are just trying to figure out what works. She has the round one on the left eye with the whole eye mask around holding it on there. She wouldn't put the other round one directly on the right eye because the position of the bandage was putting pressure on the upper lid and it hurt. Now as i sit here on the bed with her and write this she is snoring, which is a great thing because that way she cant feel the pain because I'm sure it hurts. ::looks at her:: They are pretty swollen.

We'll see where the rest of the night takes us, and like she said I'm sure it will get worse before it gets better.

More updates and pics later...
-over and out-

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