Wednesday, June 10, 2009

7 days post op

Today is exactly one week since the surgery. At this time last week I was a mess! haha~
The eyes are feeling okay today. Not bad and not great but closer to good than bad. The stitches are really pulling now and I absolutely cannot wait to get them taken out! If he doesnt take them out tomorrow I just might scream. Another stitch has come aloose on the right upper lid. I'm not touching it! The ones that have come aloose have done it all on their own I swear! The one I clipped is still perfectly intact by the way.
The bruising looks better, or so I thought until I took the photos for today. Its possible that since I charged the battery for the camera that the flash is stronger and showing better contrast--I dont know but they look darker to me. I could also just be tired. I only slept for 4 hours last night. Thats not related to the surgery or anything its just one of those things that I go through from time to time.
I have plans to wash my hair today so it's clean for tomorrow. I'm not really sure how I'll do it by myself but I'll think of something. It needs to be washed. 3 days is about my limit before it starts to look stringy and today it looks nice and stringy!
I'm hoping Dr. L will be as pleased as I am with the healing but since I had absolutely nothing to compare it to I wont know until he looks at me. For all I know, I should have been totally healed by now or maybe I've surpassed what was expected. I have no idea. I think its healing up well and I'm sure it will look and feel better once these gosh darn stitches are out. The ointment helps a little with that tugging feeling but its getting worse. I'm sure that means that the stitches are ready to come out...RIGHT...?????? :)
So, here are today's photos. I'll take some in the morning before I go see Dr. L and then again when I come back and put them both in the update tomorrow.

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