Tuesday, January 26, 2010

S2 5 weeks -3 days post op

3 days short of 5 weeks post op, feels like it has been much longer!!
So... the newly spit stitches I told you about last week; did you think I could just leave them be? Of course not. 2 days later I decided to see if I could pull them out and guess what? They came out! The one on the right came out in pieces, like when you pull yarn apart into separate threads. It took some time and patience but I got it all out--piece by little piece. The one on the left was different. As I started to pull that one out, it was obvious that it hadn't dissolved as much as the other one. It was no longer knotted and the material was still intact. While I was pulling on it, it got stuck, like it didnt want to come out. I almost started to regret having touched them at all. I stopped for a minute to evaluate it and decided that I was not going to leave this string hanging out on my face so I started tugging again. I didn't want to pull too hard on it but I did have to really pull and once it started sliding out again, I didn't stop until it was all the way out. I have to admit, it hurt but the stitch was out. It was going to have to come out one way or another anyway. Afterwards, I put a blob of the antibiotic ointment on the newly created holes and hoped for the best. That was 3 days ago. Today they feel fine and the holes are closed. The areas where these 2 stitches were is now smooth as opposed to the rest of the scars which are still lumpy from the remaining stitches. I have no idea how long it will take for them to absorb and judging by the 2 that I pulled out, that time could vary from stitch to stitch!
Something I dont think I've mentioned yet. While on vacation I noticed that my left eye doesn't close tight like the right one. It closes, but I had to "squeeze" that eye to keep the ocean water out of it. I normally swim in a pool with open eyes but salt water burns after a while so I usually close them in the ocean. I think I had noticed right after this surgery also, that the left eye wasn't closing all the way but I thought it corrected itself. I guess it didn't correct all the way!
That's it for now. Here are today's photos. They look about the same as S1-5 weeks except for the slight dark areas that I know are stitches.
See ya in another week.


  1. Hi, thank you for sharing your experiences, its the most useful information I have found on the internet.

    I am based in the uk and have very similar xanthelasmas to yours and I am having them removed next month.

    Let me know if you get this post, as I am not sure how the whole blog thing works, its new to me.

    Is there a way I can post some pics and info (I dont think I would write as much as you, just quite basic) so other people could find it when they find yours? There's hardly any other info out there, and I have found what you have done really useful!!


  2. Hi Nicky,
    Thanks for your comments!
    If you start a blog on blogspot.com I can follow it and there will be a link on my blog to yours. I'm not all that experienced with blogs either (this was my daughters idea!) but I think that could work.
    Good luck with your removal, and definitely come back and let me know how you're doing!
