Saturday, January 2, 2010

S2 10 days post op

Good Morning!
Today I decided to take a closer look at that bottom part of the right incision. When I put ointment on it yesterday, I noticed a few spots of blood so I wanted to see what was up with it. I washed my face and a tiny chunk of dried blood came off. What was left looked an awful lot like a stitch. Remember back several days ago there was a little piece of something sticking out that I mushed back in? It's the same thing. I tried to rub it off, and also pulled on it a little bit with tweezers. That hurt--up into the incision it hurt! I'm almost convinced it's a stitch now. That would explain why that area isn't healing too. Think of an ingrown hair; it doesn't heal until you pull the hair out right? It's like that. I'm not sure what to do about it either. Dr. T. had said he used dissolvable stitches on the inside but I'm not so sure this is one of those as I think it should have dissolved by now! I cant tell the color of it either. The outer stitches that he removed were blue, and this one doesn't look blue but slightly further up it does look like blue under the skin. It's weird so I photographed it for you to see. What ever it is, if it's not better by Monday, I'm going to make an appointment to have Dr. T check it out.
Otherwise, the swelling is just about gone. Still a bit of puffy on the right but the left seems normal. The crescent bruise on the left is still there but is continuing to fade, little by little. The raw spot at the top is healing, and it is not open like the last one was but it's still there. It's not that noticeable in the regular photos I take but since I was doing close up shots of the right I did some on the left too. That's where I really see it.
I'll keep you posted on the stitch/thing issue. I'll also take close up photos of it so I can see if it's changing over the next few days. For now, here is today's photo along with close up's of the incisions. They look much better in the close up shots, maybe the flash is doing that where the regular eye shot today is mostly sun. I dont know.

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