Tuesday, November 10, 2009

23 weeks (-1 day) post op

I hadn't planned on taking so long to do the next update but nothing had really changed until recently. I noticed a few weeks ago that I could see my xanthies again! What..?? For the first few days, I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me but no, my lower lids have them again. I cant say it was totally unexpected as I was warned they could return. They are faint, and I only see them when I look closely at my eyes. What's weird is that they are the same exact shape and size as before! It's almost like there was more xanthie that wasnt removed deep in the tissues and is now coming to the surface. Interestingly, there is a nice neat incision line right down the middle of these new lesions. There also appears to be a slight return of xanthie on my left upper lid. That one kind of blends into the scar so I'm not worried about it yet. These lower lids though... ugh!
If you remember, I had said previously that I would probably go for a revision of the areas Dr. L couldn't remove but I certainly didnt expect it to be so soon. You may also remember that Dr. L left the practice and after several searches online, I cant find him in a new location anywhere near here. Bummer. I liked him. So, today I made an appointment to see the new occular plastic guy in the group, Dr. T. The appointment is for a week from Thursday, 9 days from now. I'm going to ask to have the lower lids revised or fixed but not the uppers. I'd be really surprised if my insurance covers it a second time but we'll see. If he agrees to fix them, I may end up paying out of pocket. If that happens, I would probably push the surgery out until late winter or early spring. Once again, I have vacation in the Caribbean planned for January so if we do this now it will have to be done by the first or second week of December. That would give me the same 5 weeks of healing time and that worked fine. I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself now. I'll just have to see what he says next week. It's entirely possible he'll not want to touch them...

Here are today's photos. Compare them to August's photos (from the last update) and you can see a slight difference. It appears they were coming back then but I hadnt noticed it yet.

I'll be back next Thursday for another update. Wish me luck!!

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